Quote Originally Posted by The Fury View Post
I'm not sure of Monty's creative process when he planned out a fight scene, if he went through multiple iterations of the same scene, refining it as he went along. Considering the long work hours he apparently kept, it would make sense if he did. The only reason I bring this up is because quite a few of the Season 4 and 5 fight scenes feel sort of... first draft if that makes any sense.

Though there's some fight scenes that I thought were pretty good, Yang vs. Bandits, Tyrian vs. Qrow, and Raven vs. Cinder. I'm still holding out hope that with a bit more care and attention to detail, we might end up with something special.

I'm a bit direction-less, kind of a rage-head and I love puns. Yang and I are kindred spirits.
Monty did so much of it by himself, he could think through things by going through the process and correcting it, with a couple of other people doing finishing touches (probably without much direction from Monty). Monty could get away with it because he worked long hours and his output several times faster than a typical animator. He had a process that worked well for Monty, and is probably the only way we'd get fights like the Deathstalker/Nevermore or the Food Fight. The Emerald Forest battle went through at least three way different concepts (the initial had three giant grimm and ended with Ruby doing a slash through the goes right through a mountain...which they held back because HELLLO scaling!). Supposedly, they often didn't storyboard and instead Monty would just go into something because the inspiration struck him.

These days, they have a animation department of at least a dozen people that they organize into different pipelines working through everything. Now they have to story board and they have to commit . They don't have the luxury of being able to quit with half a draft.

So they'll have to learn on the job.

I agree that Yang vs. the Bandits was good. So was the Yang preview and the Weiss preview. All of these have in common that they focused on one character's fighting and did not attempt to skimp. That's what I think it takes for their approach to have anything like the feel of a fast-paced, high-action, everything-on-camera style Monty used.

I'm not sure I agree Tyrion vs. Qrow was really good, although it wasn't bad. Honestly, despite watching through the last few episodes several times, it doesn't even stick out to me.

Raven vs. Cinder, however, was good and its a different sort of good. They are using a lot of full-on anime styles for this fight (we see a lot of charging, sword growing, still-figures flying through each other or to their destinations). They weren't afraid of doing something different. When they do this sort of thing they can achieve something of the free-styling feel of the original, and something like anime-style suits the animation crew ("cRWBY"). Keep this up with heart and they can approach something that will look very different but have a similar spirit.

However, I'm worried that the animation team is being overburdened by all the new shows in addition to RWBY. RWBY is something everyone talks about on various RT talk shows as overwhelmingly time and work consuming, especially for the end episodes. They call it "RWBY fatigue."

I'm afraid fatigue is going to set in time and time again unless RT allows more breathing room, such as more spacing between episodes and seasons. The other problem, however, and this is far more important. I'm not sure this current cRWBY is pouring their heart into the fight scenes.