Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
Right, because Superman doing THAT would surely have no larger economic, social or political consequences. (Just from the most basic standpoint - how many coal mines does Superman have the property rights to again?)

But more importantly for the purposes of this discussion is that what he could do is irrelevant - we're talking about what these characters CHOOSE to do, and how quaint/incongruous/hollow it's becoming in a modern context.
Hey, you're the one making the ridiculous claim that Superman is too poor to do these things. He can be rich if he wants. Heck, he could get some sponsorship deals on his uniform, make a billion dollars, and then use that to fund fixing the world. Why in the world are you arguing that Batman should be doing something, but when it gets brought up that Superman could do the same, you say that it doesn't count because he doesn't actually do that in the comics? That's ridiculous.

Well hell, why didn't you say so? Maybe HE can cure Two-Face then. Give him every psychology textbook on earth and tell him to hop to it. Reforming a supervillain would certainly be bigger bang for his buck than performing a single surgery.

But this is exactly the kind of DC universe nonsense* that makes a lot of their characters downright comical to me (and judging by the various articles and memes, not only me.) Which is not to say that Marvel never does anything like that, but their A-Listers tend to have much more well-defined limits. Using your surgery example, if Iron Man had to learn a bunch of medical data quickly, he wouldn't read the entirety of medicine by himself - some AI of his would have done it, which is a lot more plausible since that's a thing we're getting AI to do right now. It also makes challenging Iron Man in the future much simpler, because his smarts in that regard would be dependent on the availability of his computer.
You said Superman wasn't as smart as Batman. His mind is as advanced as his physiology, and that was an example. He is smarter than anyone else on the planet, but he doesn't use his smarts the way he should. Again, why are you saying Batman should use his brain better, but fighting against the idea that Superman should too?

Supes' solo comics frequently involve saving the entire planet, not just Metropolis. Certainly it's more frequent than Batman's books. As for gadgets, Two-Face and Black Mask and Hugo etc. don't even have that much. Certainly they don't have access to gadgets powered by Darkseid's technology (like Intergang does, and you failed to mention), so I'm truly hoping you see how that might prove to be something of a speed bump.
The overwhelming majority of his solo comics involve saving Metropolis. Saving Metropolis often means saving the world, but he is there to protect Metropolis.
So what about where they get their technology? They are normal humans. Toyman certainly doesn't get his technology from Darkseid, and he gives Superman problems all the time (which you failed to mention, so we're even).
You are arguing in bad faith here. You have an idea of why Batman is bad, and what makes him uniquely bad. Clearly, everything that you say that makes him uniquely bad is there in Superman, but you keep coming up with weaker and weaker reasons to blow it off.