Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
All of the arguments about "why doesn't Batman devote all his efforts into charity instead of dressing like a Bat" are ignoring that he exists in a universe where dressing like a Bat is millions of times more effective than social programs and charity.

Sure, he could probably scrap the Batman thing and raise Gotham's standard of living. It wouldn't last very long once they get nuked by one of the many crazies that live there, or the whole world gets destroyed because there's no Batman.

There are literally dozens of stories about what if Bruce Wayne wasn't Batman and all of them share the common theme that the world goes to crap. We're talking about a guy who has been instrumental in saving the world hundreds of times...and you want him to scrap that program and focus on what? Building after school basketball courts? I'm sure those will help the next time Superman gets brainwashed by some alien overlord! These types of "they should do this instead!" arguments only hold up if you willfully ignore all evidence about the setting the characters are in and the things they accomplish.
Nobody saying that Bruce shouldn't put on his power armor when Darkseid comes knocking or supes gets brainwashed.

What we're saying is that Bats trying to solo all of Gotham's dark alleys is stupidly inneficient when the city is at such level of incompetence and corruption.

There is a middle ground where Bats fights Darkseid personally and Bruce takes care of the local crime and corruption.

Because let's be honest, no way Bruce can properly focus on tomorrow's meeting about how to improve the city if Bats spent all the previous nights up cracking skulls and getting his own skull cracked.

And since Darkseid has the decency of not attacking every night and supes only gets brainwashed every other year or so, Bats only needs to show up when he's really needed instead of constantly saping Bruce's time and focus.

Plus if nothing else, if Bats is so essential in protecting Earth, then even more of a reason for him not to risk his life dodging thug bullets (or at least wear that damn anti-alien power armor).

What would've happened if Darkseid had tried to invade while supes was brainwashed and Bats had his spine broken after all?