Introduction to High Elven Mystic Archaeology - A multi-part lecture that contains an analysis and overview on how the combined use of archaeological, divination, and anthropological techniques can help to reveal ancient and lost magical artifacts and techniques, with a focus on High Elf history.

Advanced Sacred Geometry - A math-intensive engineering course focused on developing the skills required to craft magical circles, sigils, and seals.

Introduction to Cosmology - A lecture and reading intensive course that broadly outlines and fleshes out the known history of the multiverse, along with a study of the different interpretations found in different fields of magic and different cultures.

Equivalence and Mana Balancing - This is the foot-in-the-door lecture for the Alchemy degree, as it outlines the basic mathematics of the Laws of Equivalent Echange and how to calculate how much goes into a system and how much comes out using provided equations.

Modern Triton Literature - This class probably has no more than a few dedicated attendees. It is an in-depth analysis of choice volumes of literature stemming from the various Triton cultures of the world. It mostly involves reading transcripts of stone and coral tablets. A minimum of 3 years in Aquan is required as a prerequisite.

Celestial, Diabolical, and Abyssal Macroeconomics - An elective course involving a lecture, independant study, and an off-campus summer session in the student's choice of a holy/unholy alternate plane. This focuses on the study of the soul trade in the heavens and the hells.

Far Realm Anti-Biology - A combined lecture and laboratory course designed around the study of the biology, or rather the lack thereof, of various far realm organisms. There is a resident Beholder on campus but most students don't get past the part where the gibbering mouther is placed under a microscope.

Far Realm Anti-Organism Care and Safety - Oddly not a prerequisite for Far Realm Anti-Biology, this class focuses on how to survive exposure to Far Realm creatures and how to care for them. It's a one credit hour lecture, so nobody shows up to this.