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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Got a Real-World Weapon, Armor or Tactics Question? Mk. XXV

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Beer View Post
    You guys are missing a really obvious point here, the society (or societies) do not need to be founded with the mission statement to build a starship. They should be founded just to get a society because that's what people do. The real possibility of starting Project Escape Planet Craphole can emerge after achieving industrialisation.
    Somebody mentioned that the hate against a common enemy (the justice system that trapped them there) and the will to escape could work as the ideological glue to make the innates work together, and I answered I think that's too long term a goal for such self-serving population...

    As for they forming a society because that's what people do... yes, they would form a society, but they could easily get stuck at Yanomami's technological and organizational level for centuries... once the first generation of inmates dies you are left with kids that have spent their whole lives without experiencing any tech more complex than a bone-tipped spear, a shelf bow or a vine net, or, if they are really lucky, a primitive loom or ceramic oven...

    Yes, they have heard tales about planes and computeres, yes, they may have some theoretical knowkedge of basic sciences, but their main concerns are to hunt the next meal and to steal some wives from the nearest tribe...
    Last edited by Clistenes; 2018-06-28 at 04:41 AM.