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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Where I am.

    Default Re: The Staff IC: Threat IV: Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon tea party!

    Granny Smith runs for her life as the wood creatures run after her. An all-out race with Timber Wolves snapping at her tail, she zigs and zags trying to dodge and stay ahead of the pack. There is many close calls as she rushes through the forest. You can no longer stealth to follow her, you need to run like mad ponies as well to keep up.

    As soon as she passes the threshold of the forest the wolves stops and growls for a moment giving her some space but their indecision is quickly put aside and they rush out after her again. In no time she reaches her house but something is wrong. Gin Ale is waiting in front of it. "NOISE! WE MUST MAKE LOUD NOISES FOR THE CREATURES TO RUN AWAY!"
    Last edited by DualShadow; 2018-06-30 at 09:24 AM.