Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
Tricked. Bride was Catwoman. Why Bruce thought this would be remotely a good idea is pretty far beyond me, but the important thing is they didn't go through with it (as expected.)

The best part is it's all over the blogosphere (like every other stunt these comics pull) so I didn't even have to pay for the reveal. Thanks, New York Times!
let me guess: she married him for his money, then took it all in a divorce so she could donate it all to cat shelters, didn't she? or was it just so she can steal some stupid trinket, because one would think she'd do the former but its probably disappointingly the latter

...oh. its just Selena thinking that somehow marrying him would make him too happy to be Batman? Wow. this is even more disappointing. I'd thought they'd at least do something cool with it, but thats like promising me a cheeseburger and delivering me two crackers with a cold cheese slice in the middle. sure the original thing wouldn't be all that great compared to a gourmet meal, but they chose the most boring and wishy-washy route this could've taken. if your going to keep the status quo while pulling this stunt, at least make it exciting. at least make it something worth remembering. This is just boring. if your comic can be summed up as "oh lets do a thing! no wait I changed my mind, I'm not going to." and stop it there, whats even the point.