So my first Fallout playthrough in, what, a decade? ended in hilarious fashion. After numerous attempts, I found myself in an unlikely situation of being between the Master and one of his soldiers who was coincidentally wielding a flamer. This one soldier inflicted significant damage on the Master, even scoring the final blow, while I was busy healing myself in between attacks.

Then I had to hastily missile and flame the surviving soldiers, all the while the timer was ticking down and my own HP was draining away due to overuse of super stimpaks. When I get my ending slides it turns out a number of major towns got wiped out by mutants because I took too long to kill the Master. Finally, because I took the Bloody Mess trait, I get the "shoot Overseer" ending.

Definitely not the canon ending. Especially since both Shady Sands and the Followers got steamrolled by the mutant army.