Requilac -- Some thoughts on the Deep Dweller...

Overall, there are some great ideas in this class! I really liked where the class was going as defined by the first 5 levels (well, except for not really understanding how the vulture fit in). My biggest issue is that there’s no unifying theme… it starts out feeling like a melee, then gains casting a little like a Warlock, dabbles in a strange barbarian rage feature, gains a ranger-like pet, and then turns into a elementalist that controls weather. I’m not sure where/how the vulture fits in – it feels forced at the moment.

I think if you concentrated on a unifying theme for the main class (e.g. an eldritch being from the deep oceans/dark underworld) and determined its main niche (combat, caster, pet), you could build the base class more easily/accordingly. Use the Embodiments to diversify – geez, this is almost the same lecture you gave me on my Sleepwalker.

The embodiments also don’t seem to be balance to one another at this point. Far Realm feels much weaker than the others.

It certainly is coming around! A little more polish and you’re probably there. Speaking of polish… you’re fluff writing is great. I wish I had the time to do something similar to my classes (though, to be fair, my players really only care about the mechanics and would gloss over long fluff – if they read it at all).

Specific comments after "quoted" sections.

Spoiler: Comments
Armor: Light, Medium and Heavy Armor, Shields
Heavy may not be needed/too much with Unnatural Combatant.

Weapons: Simple, Martial and Improvised Weapons
Improvised as a proficiency – odd. I’ve never seen that before. What is the intent? Also, as I comment later, maybe the martial proficiency is redundant with how Unnatural Combatant is currently structured.

Saving Throws. Wisdom and Charisma
Why Wisdom and Charisma when a large portion of the class seems based on physical combat? Are you trying to avoid stacking the saves with the armor bonus of Unnatural Combatant? It “feels” like Con and Cha would be a better fit here.

Deep Dweller (Level 1)
Strange magic originating from the lightless abysses of the ocean have transformed your body. You gain a swimming speed equal to your base walking speed and the ability to breathe in both air and water. Also, you have resistance to cold damage.

Finally, you gain darkvision out to an 120 ft. radius if you didn't have that already.
A lot packed into one feature (though I somewhat understand as it’s being used to “set the stage”).

Unnatural Combatant (Level 1)
A thin layer of protective covering has formed over your skin. The appearance of this is for you to decide, but it is likely to be a facsimile of the natural armor of an aquatic animal (such as fish scales or a crab carapace). While you are not wearing any armor, your armor class equals 13+ your dexterity or constitution modifier (your choice) . You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Creates a single ability dependent AC (which isn’t without precedent), but does allow for complete optimization (especially as you’re allowed to pick your “prime” stat) – a barbarian as a multiclass could completely dump Dex and gain a major benefit from this. I’m not sure heavy armor proficiency is necessary with this feature as the class will naturally have an AC that is equivalent to the best medium armor and some heavy armors.

In addition, on your turn you can cause a set of strange, unnatural weapons to form over both of your free hands (no action required). The form that this weapon takes is chosen by you from the list below each time you use this feature. These weapons are attached to your body and cannot be removed or disarmed.
For some reason, I’d like to see a hit to the action economy here… even if only consuming a reaction. A bonus action would work best. I’m assuming you are proficient with these weapons (yeah, I know they’re listed as simple melee weapons)?

Claws: A set of claws sprout from both of your hands. They can take on the appearance of the claws of any animal you choose, including a crab's. These simple melee weapons deal 1D6 slashing damage and have the finesse and light property.
Dual wielding option. Obviously meant to pair with a Dex build. Equivalent to the best finesse/light martial weapons.

Maw: Your body is temporarily restructured so that your head can support a collection of deadly teeth. How this appears is up to you; you can decide to simply grow a set of bat-like fangs or have your entire head morphed into that of a shark’s. Your maw counts as a simple melee weapon that deals 1D12 piercing damage and, despite the fact that it is not actually taking up any hands, effectively has the two-handed property.
Strength option. Equivalent to the best two handed weapons. It does seem weird that this has the two-handed property and can’t use a shield, etc. (though I understand the reasoning).

[/QUOTE]Tentacle and Biotic Shield: One of your arms transforms into a grotesque tentacle and the other turns into some sort of shield made of organic substances such as bone, chitin or scales. The tentacle, which is a simple melee weapon, deals 1D8 bludgeoning damage and has the finesse property while the shield behaves the same as a mundane shield.[/QUOTE]

Sword and board. Weapon equivalent to the best martial finesse weapon.

Throwing Quills: Both of your hands become covered in a layer of lethal quills that you can throw extremely far away. These quills count as a simple ranged weapon that deal 1D8 piercing damage and have the ammunition property (range 80/320). You have 20 of these quills, and all lost quills regrow when you finish short or long rest. Despite the fact that these quills form over both of your hands, instead of having the light property they effectively have the two-handed property.
Effectively a light crossbow without having to have ammunition (no ammunition property or loading property).

All in all, you mention that these are all simple melee weapon equivalents yet they match the best of the martial weapons in terms of damage and properties (with the exception of throwing quills). Maybe pare them down to the true simple weapon equivalent? Or remove martial weapon proficiency from the class – redundant. Also, these could become useless if there's no way for them to become magical weapons (damage resistance bypass).

Sanguinary Vulture (Level 1)
A ghostly vulture follows you so that it may feed on the terror you sow. This vulture cannot interact with the world anyway other than what is described in this feature. On your turn you can turn it invisible if it is visible or vice versa (no action required). It is usually perched on your shoulder and shares your space, but on your turn you can cause it to fly up to 40 ft. (no action required), so long as it does not move more than 150 ft. away from you. If the vulture is in the space of a creature below half its hit point maximum (round down), then you have advantage on attack rolls against that creature.
Essentially permanent advantage (assuming the condition is met). I’d also suggest this one consume a bonus action (to move/”attack” at least)… or at least give a targeted creature a saving throw to resist the effect. Is the invisibility meant as anything other than fluff? Can the vulture be targeted? What happens if it’s destroyed?

Eldritch Magic (Level 2)
As a deep spawn you possess weird, arcane powers which allow you to alter the reality of the Material Plane to your will.

You know two cantrips of your choice from the deep spawn spell list. You learn additional deep spawn cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the cantrips known column of the deep spawn table.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher
At 2nd level, you know two 1st level spells of your choice from the deep spawn spell list.

The spells known column of the deep spawn table shows when you learn more deep spawn spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s slot level column for your level.

Additionally, whenever you complete a long rest, you can choose one of the deep spawn spells you know and replace it with another spell from the deep spawn spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Maybe eliminate this portion and make it a daily selection (similar to Cleric). It seems the intent is that they’re drawing upon some hidden/dark being as a power source.

e.g. You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the deep dweller spell list. When you do so, choose a number of deep dweller spells equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Occult Invocation (Spell Slots)
You only start out with one spell slot, and at no point do you get more than that. Whenever you cast a spell (without ritual casting it), you expend that spell slot. Whenever you roll for initiative or complete a long rest, if you currently don't have that spell slot then you regain it.
This is a cool mechanic!

Spellcasting Ability
The forbidden knowledge which you possess gives you the power to manipulate magical energies. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your deep spawn spells, so you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a deep spawn spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Too give some attribute synergy to the class, maybe change this to Charisma? You currently have Wis + Cha as saves, Con or Dex for Unnatural Combatant, and now Int for casting? It’s a really MAD class (intended?)

Innate Spellcasting
You cannot use a spellcasting focus, but a component pouch will serve the same purpose
Isn’t this always the case? The focus only really serves to eliminate the need for “free” material components, which a component pouch already does.

Elemental Aptitude
Whenever you cast a spell which deals fire damage, you may choose to change the damage type from fire to cold.
There is no “cost” associated with this (e.g. having to use a higher level slot)? Honestly, it seems more fluff than anything but does give a little extra bit of versatility. Cold damage does seem to fit the theme (at least as portrayed).

Tongue of the Deep (Level 2)
You learn Aquan (Primordial) and Deep Speech. Whenever you speak in Aquan you can communicate with beasts and humanoids that have the Amphibious, Limited Amphibious- ness or Water Breathing feature as if you shared a language.
A couple of rarer (and possibly rarely used) bonus languages and limited speak with animals.

Hideous Appearance (Level 3)
You can use an action to warp you form, making you appear so twisted that it evokes a vehement reaction upon those that you see you. Any creaure that has a direct line of sight to you which moves to a location within 10 ft. of you or starts its turn within 10 ft. of you is subjected to one of the following effects until the start of their next turn. If an effect calls for a saving throw, use your spell save DC. Whenever you activate this feature, choose one of the following options which remain active for the full duration.

Loathsome Appearance. Those that see you are filled with hatred at your blasphemous nature. A target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls made against creatures other than you. Targets with immunity to being charmed are immune to this effect.
Crowd control.

Despairing Appearance. Anyone who looks at you is filled with crippling hopelessness. A target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or suffer disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened and Charisma saving throws. Aberrations and targets with an Intelligence score of 5 or below are immune to this effect.
Not that useful except as a setup for other features, spells, or allies.

Revulsive Appearance. Creatures are disgusted by your grotesque form and don't feel comfortable being close to you. A target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or the area within 10 ft. of you is considered to be difficult terrain for them. Targets with immunity to being frightened are immune to this effect.
Additional crowd control.

Terrifying Appearance. Your anatomy strikes fear into the minds of those that look upon you. A target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be frightened.
Frightened for how long?

On your turn you can automatically shift back to your normal form (no action required). Otherwise you stay like that for one minute until your figure shifts back automatically.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.
To me, this feels like a weird form of rage?

Spirit Familiar (Level 6)
By spending one hour performing an eldritch ritual (this can't be done during a short rest) you can summon the spirit of an intelligent aquatic creature from another plane of existence and bind it to your will. Once you complete this ritual your spirit familiar manifests and takes on the form of your choice of either a Ghostly Sahaugin, Bullywug, Chuul, Kuo-Toa, Merrow, Octopus or Giant Sea Horse. You can find the statistics of each of these monsters on page 8-11 of this document.

This spirit familiar cannot act independently from you and always obeys your commands. If you are not giving it commands, it will prioritize escaping from any immediate danger first and focus on following as close to you as possible second, but it will otherwise take no actions.

You may use a bonus action to command the spirit. When you command it this way it immediately makes its turn and takes all the actions you tell it to and only follows those directions.

If your spirit familiar drops to 0 hit points it dissapears. If you complete a short rest then your spirit familiar regains an amount of hit points equal to 1d8 + your intelligence modifier. If you complete a long rest then your spirit faimiliar regains all of its hit points and, if it was slain, reappears at your side.
You can telepathically communicate with your spirit familiar, so long as you two are on the same plane of existence. As an action you can see through your spirit familiar's eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn, using the special senses of the spirit familiar instead of your own. During this time, you are deafened and blinded to your own senses.

You can't have more than one spirit familiar at a time. Once you perform this ritual, you cannot do so again until you gain a level in the deep spawn class. If you commit to this ritual again then you can cause your spirit familiar to adopt a new form and, if it was slain, also immediately reappear.

This spirit familiar shares your ideal, you decide its personality traits and flaw, and its bond is the following; "I unquestioningly follow my summoner's commands.
The ranger companion redone. Does the spirit familiar advance at all (in regards to HD, proficiency bonus, damage)? If not, it could quickly become a liability.

Otherworldly Awareness (Level 10)
Your connection to the other planes has become so great that your eyes can penetrate the veil between the Material and Ethereal plane. Magical darkness doesn't impede your darkvision. In addition, You can see into the Ethereal Plane, which also allows you to see invisible creatures and objects, within 60 feet of you. Ethereal or invisible creatures and objects appear ghostly and translucent.
Almost true sight. More ribbon than anything (with the exception of seeing through magical darkness)

Necromantic Weapons (Level 11)
The weapons you wield have become cursed with the infleunce of your vile magic. Whenever you hit with a weapon attack, the target takes an extra 1d6 cold or necrotic damage (your choice when you make the attack roll).
I understand giving a choice for versatility… but at some point locking in the theme (in the core class) would be better. Either the biting cold of the depths or corrupting necrotic energies. Given this is a major power bump level, maybe start this at 1d4 and scale it a few times throughout the remaining levels? 1d6 would become fairly negilible later in life.

If the target takes this extra damage and is not resistant or immune to it, than it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (with a DC equal to your spell save DC) or be unable to regain hit points until the end of its next turn.
Very nice touch.

Weakness to Light (Level 14)
The forces of light have marked you as their enemy. Whenever you are standing in an area of direct sunlight you have disadvantage on perception checks which rely on sight. In addition, If you ever take 10 or more radiant damage in a single turn then you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks until the end of your next turn.

Finally, celestials have advantage on attack rolls against you, and you have disadvantage on saving throws and contested ability checks against them.
It’s really odd having a flaw/detriment built into a class… not saying I don’t like it, just probably not going to be super popular. Maybe if you moved this to the beginning of the class (part of Deep Dweller) to further the thematic, and added a “useful” feature here?

Elemental Body (Level 18)
Your body is imbued with powerful elemental energies. Whenever a creature touches you or makes a melee attack against you while within 5 ft. of you, they automatically take an amount of cold or lightning damage equal to your intelligence modifier. This feature inherently does lightning damage, but you may change the damage type from lightning to cold or vice versa after you complete a short or long rest.
Why the cold or lightning? As per my other comment, wouldn’t mind seeing the theme solidified some. Varied elemental abilities don't seem to fit the first five levels of the class.

Weather Manipulation (Level 20)
You have become an unparalleled master of the elements and can alter the weather to your whims. By using an action you can take control of the weather within 5 miles of your current location. When you do so you can immediately change the current weather conditions including the precipitation, temperature and wind.

When controlling the precipitation you can create or clear as many clouds as you woud like, generate fogs or mist throughout the area, summon harmless rain, hail or snow or even force an intense thunderstorm, hailstorm or blizzard upon the area.

When controlling the temperature you can cause it to rise up to intense heat, drop it to intense cold or change it to any temperature between those two extremes.

When controlling the wind you can calm the wind down almost entirely, whip it into hurricane force winds, or change it to any level in between those two extremes.

By having clouds cover the sun you can cause the sun to shine dim light upon the area instead of bright light. By generating snow or hail you can cause every piece of ground open to the sky to become difficult terrain. You can also create Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Strong Wind and Heavy Precipitation in the area. In Extreme Cold, the surfaces of outdoor bodies of water within the area become Thin Ice and Slippery Ice, and the water below the ice becomes Frigid Water. You can find the meaning of all these terms on page 110 and 111 of the DMG.

If it is storming outside, you can use an action or bonus action on your turn to call lightning down upon one target that you can see. That target must succeed on Dexterity saving throw (with a DC equal to your spell save DC) or take 2d12 lightning damage. Everything within 10 ft. of the lightning strike, including the target which was struck by lightning, must also succeed on a Constitution saving throw with the same DC or take 1d10 thunder damage.

If it is storming outside, you may also use an action or bonus action to cast Control Water or Gust of Wind. It does not require concentration to cast either of these spells; instead it lasts for the full duration or until you end the effect on your turn (no action required).
You may also spend an hour conducting an eldritch ritual which forces an eclipse. While doing this you must concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell), and if you lose concentration then the ritual fails. After completing the ritual you may create your choice of either a solar or lunar eclipse. If you summon a lunar eclipse, than for the next hour all aberrations, fey, fiends and undead except for you and your familiar have disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws. If you summon a solar eclipse, than for the next hour all aberrations, fey, fiends and undead have advantage on ability checks and saving throws. If you commit to this ritual then you take 10d10 psychic damage, even if the ritual was interrupted, and cannot perform it ever again.
This is somewhat underwhelming (and very dependent on something a DM would need to be using –weather) for a capstone. I also don’t get the weather theme here – it doesn’t match any of the previous features in regards to build up. That being said, I really *love* the eclipse portion.

I'll get the embodiments later.