Started my on-again/off-again relationship with DBZ Dokkan about a month or so ago.

The game's currently in the middle of it's 3rd year celebration & they have two major banners (Legendary Rare Vegito & Gogeta banners) at discounted pull rates and they've tossed out all the "throw money at our gacha" you can imagine (30 stone for your first three pulls, your fourth pull is free and you get tickets towards a bonus draw). I've spend the whole last 1.29$ on my Google Play store towards this game. Free to play no more am I!

Managed to pull a single copy of the LR Vegito. This thing is basically powercreep given form: high stats like all LRs, Great links, high self atk & def buffs, bonus ki on rainbow sphere AND anytime your HP is less then 50% after 6 rounds of combat, he transforms. The transformation fully heals you, raises the self buffs even high, gets somewhat better links, more bonus ki on rainbow spheres, gain a powerful counter attack AND your special deals more base damage.

Now consider that in addition to the one on your team, you can have a second one borrowed from a friend...

Absolutely disgustingly powerful and I hear the Gogeta is basically the same. I slightly modified my Potara fusion team for some bonus Vegito goodness (I pulled both the LR Vegito & a PHY Super Saiyan Vegito) and now endgame content that caused me to use a couple of items or just give up entirely is being steamrolled.

On the plus side, at least I won't have too much trouble grinding out materials needed to max out my Bardock now.