
Well, that's what you get for being (female) royalty in the middle ages. Sucks.

What also sucks... two idiot reveals. I mean, sorry, but 1) we get that tattoo nobody ever talked about or was hinted at or anything. But fine, Mikasa, just doesn't trust anyone or whatever. I don't care if she's secretly royalty or whatever, if it drives your plot forward.
What I DO care about is your friggin' sudden reveal about the 3DMG. 107 chapters in and only now you think it might be relevant about the strange stuff that powers it? Seriously? Why, because you now need to give them I guess the means to build their equivalent of a nuke? At least that's what part of the discussion sounded like. I mean, seriously, I call b***s*** about this being planned in anyway in advance. Then you'd have made SOME mention on the stuff at some point before it and not pretended 'it just works'.
Also, that talk between Hange and Eren was equally... "You said it twice. That means you'll do it again?" I know Hange can be weird but no, that's not how talking to yourself works And Eren, I'm pretty sure they can figure out a way to put you down, don't be such an arrogant prick. Unless you want to be an enemy of the state maybe stop acting like one.