Quote Originally Posted by Velaryon View Post
I agree with all of this. While I definitely need more practice with the new teleporter, I really think the only way in which her kit is better now is how she can throw her turrets. Honestly I would rather they just take that and add it to Symmetra 2.0 (while still letting her have 6 turrets). I guess the faster orbs are nice, but not at the cost of being unable to penetrate barriers. Not impressed with her new ult at all.
Symmetra's design kind of mandates that she be either very weak or wildly overpowered. If you make her tools effective, she dominates the entire game, if you don't, she doesn't. In her original packaging, she was an IQ test for the enemy team, now it seems like she's an IQ test for both the enemy team and a friendly team (ie: Can you make good use of her teleporter, and can the enemy manage to avoid slow projectiles and weedy turrets).

I'll admit I was getting a little bored with Symmetra after 50+ hours with her, but I'm not happy with her rework at all, and probably will play her very rarely now.

Oh well, at least Wrecking Ball is fun.
She's much, much harder to use, and pretty much requires team voice communication now, and a team which will let Sym do shotcalling (and pray the shot-calls aren't wrong). I make it to be a nerf overall, at least if you interpret the outcome of a reduced pick rate as a nerf.

Symmetra was pretty much support in name only before. I'm pretty sure the only reason the developers resisted moving her to Defense was to prove their point that support =/= healing.

These days she's not even support in name anymore, as she was moved to the Damage category with her latest rework.
Her teleporter and shield barrier had a fair bit of support utility, making your team harder to kill and quicker to respawn after a death. And that, to be frank, is really why they re-worked her: Torb/Brig/Sym made everyone into a tank. Just another way that Brig's introduction hosed up the Overwatch design space. I make it that Symmetra was edited out of the game specifically so that Brig didn't have to be taken out and reworked instead. In defense of the dev team, however, Symmetra was never very good, so a rework isn't indefensible.