The Inn regulation Act.

Unlike earlyer belives that Heros spawn from the existance of Villians, tougth at commoner-schools the last sevenhundert years, new studys actually sugest the opposite: Villians only emerge when there are Heros avaible to fight them. Since Apokalypse-level events occured on a reliable weakly base and rebuilding in time for the next was near impossible, one had to fight the problem on the root. Adventures spawn usually at Inns, so regulating it was one of the most important things done the decade.

1. 'Inn' is defined a a place for Travlers to eat and/or sleep.
1.a. There may only be one Inn per Town or City.
1.b. Not more then two shady corners are permitted per Inn.

2. 'Tavern' is defined as a place for Locals to eat and/or drink. It may also offer services to travlers, but it provides no bonus for 'a good rest'.
2.a. Only up two one bartender or three guests are allowed to share information to travlers when asked for 'unusuall' (read: the usuall) information. Directions do not count and are classified as non-dangerous.
2.b If questgivers are localy avaible, try to give the adventuring group as many of the jobs that need doing as possible, since jobs not taken by at least one group will attract diffrent groups.

3. Bartender and Inkeeper are required to report any adventuring group (you will know when they are one) to the local authoritys, so a meeting and redirection towards a fitting dungeon can take place.
3.a. Should you be able to redirect themself, reporting still is mandatory to keep your licence.

Thanks to this rules, we can live in peace as the end of the worlds got reduced to biweekly events.