Quote Originally Posted by Falontani View Post
Thurbane, I give up. My idea was to use a combination of landforged walker, a non druid base, and Verdant Lord. I wanted to get you the plant type, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't get you the plant type without messing everything else' appearance up. I've tried ~20 builds. My wife got tired of me trying and told me to just give it a break. That's why it has been a while since I've posted. I love the challenge, but in this one I have lost the idea.
When I saw this it got me thinking along the lines of some sort of wooden Effigy Creature (CA 151) subjected to Awaken Construct (SC 21) maybe with levels of Warshaper or something like that. While I know Thurbane mentioned a plant race, it looked more carved to me than natural.

I even considered the novelty of a wooden Effigy Creature (Warforged) at one point.