Quote Originally Posted by Iethloc View Post
Hey, all. It's been quite some time since I've posted on these forums, though I've been reading stuff here pretty regularly. A lot has happened, much of it negative, but still some positive stuff. I don't really want to compress almost a year's worth of stuff into one post, but there are some things I want to talk about with someone who's had similar experiences. Not all of it is LGBTAI+ related, but some of it is so I'd feel more comfortable seeking support here. I've been trying to process some neglect and violence from my early childhood, along with the severe mental illnesses (specifically schizophrenia and OCD) that began around that time, and how it relates to the way I process my gender and sexuality. I know that's pretty broad, but if anyone has personal experience with that sort of stuff, or experience helping others deal with it, I would appreciate being able to talk through private messages or other private means.
I've dealt with schizoaffective disorder my whole adult life. There's a fair bit of overlap. If I can help, ask away.