When all is said and done, a silence descends over the group. Each of you process your grief and worry in your own ways - with a prayer, with an eye to moving forward, or by burying yourself in the task at hand.

With deft fingers, Radek manipulates the rings, checking his notes as he does so, realigning the bridge with the Arcanarium on the far wall of the chasm.


On the far side, the bridge lets out onto a smooth stone landing, devoid of the ornamentation of the platform you left from. Thick grooves are cut in solid straight lines in the floor, leading back to a darkened entry way cut into the rock face. As you get closer, you can see a slow trickle of blood stains several of the grooves.

Beyond, in the shadow of the entryway, you can just make out the silhouette of a humanoid body collapsed against the wall.