Quote Originally Posted by Alabenson View Post
Spoiler: Friendship University
The key word in your example, unfortunately, is CEO. In theory a CEO is supposed to held accountable by the company's board and shareholders. However, it's rare to get a combination of a shareholder or group of shareholders that actually care about an issue and have sufficient stock to hold any clout, and corporate boards are sadly more incestuous than the Hapsburgs, so its fairly easy for an executive to buy their way out of an issue and have it swept under the rug, particularly if the issue isn't widely reported. The EEA, on the other hoof, seems to be either a govermental or publicly visible NGO, meaning that Neighsay has a better chance to be held accountable for his actions, particularly if those actions show the EEA to be outright incompetent.

And, since Australia continues to get the episodes one week ahead of schedule;
Spoiler: The End in Friend
I actually liked this episode a lot, to the extent that I'd say it would be in my top five season 8 episodes so far. The conflict felt like a natural result of having the two characters clash and given how rarely we see Rarity and Rainbow Dash paired off I can believe that this is an issue that hasn't really been dealt with before. At the same time, during the second half of the episode we see each character at their best, which is always a welcome sight. In many ways, this episode feels like an episode from one of the earlier seasons, but in the best way.
The closest thing that I have as far as an issue with this episode would be that some of the negative behavior we see early on, especially from Rarity, does seem slightly forced. Not to the point that it feels out of character, mind you, but it really does feel like we're seeing these characters at their most disagreeable at points.
Overall, though, I'd have to give this episode an A.
Spoiler: Friendship University
I dunno, I still don't see Neighsayer getting muck flack from the EEA. He can still argue he was duped like everyone else (and probably was).

Spoiler: The End in Friend
This would be a much stronger episode if it were back in season 1 or 2. Here in season 8 it feels... like this kind of argument should have already been handled. It was otherwise alright. I could go without the petty arguments. It has some adventuring going down and a few pokes at the weirdness of pony fashion to make up for it though. Dash certainly says what we're all thinking about ponies and high heels.

Quote Originally Posted by t209 View Post
So anyone getting bugged at "every creatures" despite the show calling out the word "creature" as a bad word?
Also does anyone remember that "one" still exists?
Yeah, I'm still not used to it.

Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
and then I realized that most creatures we've seen with cloven hooves have had an antagonistic relationship with Equestria or individual groups of ponies at somepoint or other.
Those cows nearly trampled down Ponyville! They drink they're own milk too. Definitely evil.