For me, the old EU offically ended at Survivor's Quest. I tried the first three of the NJO and got to the end of the second Stackpole book and went "if second-best SW author can't make me like this, it's beyond crap." I tried the Legacy of the Force series thnking that now the EU was out of that low-point... I got through the first Allston book fine, but petered out and got bored of the second book in the series. (Among other things, I couldn't understand why boba Fett was suddenly there - it wasn't until later I heard about Traviss, remembered the fact that the same author had had all the Clone Troopers survive for inexplicable reasons in The Clone Wars novelisation and went "oh, really, that probably explains it.") The only SW books I'e picked up since was Zhan's legends prequel books and the new Thrawn book (which if I squint, can easily pretend was legends canon).

So, some bits of old EU I was happy to see gone, and at least the best part of it (Thrawn) has been in nucanon in some way... But sadly, like a lot of stuff that has now become Big Money, the rest of new SW no longer offers me anything any more as a rule.