I finally have prescriptions for estradiol and spironolactone! I am more than a little happy about this.

Unfortunately, I still have about 4 months before I can socially transition at work/school (these are the same thing for me). But that's a lot less than how long I've been trying to just get to this point. I still need to come out to my advisor and a few other faculty members next month- hopefully it'll go well, but if not they can't really get rid of me until the semester ends without blatantly violating university policy (between semesters they can sneakily violate it). Hopefully I won't need a backup plan, but I have one anyway.

And I'm still having difficulties with my mom. I can't talk to her about anything transition related without her telling me that I need to learn to love myself and just accept that I can't transition until some ambiguous point in the future (initially when I finished my PhD 2.5-3.5 years from now, but now it seems to have moved until at least 7 years from now). She hasn't told me why she thinks I can't transition until then- I suspect that she believes that I'm financially dependent on my dad and her parents but I'm not sure. I'm starting to think that she's hoping that if she tells me enough times that it's impossible for me to transition (even though the evidence suggests otherwise) I'll somehow turn into a gay man instead of a straight woman.

But overall I'm just happy about finally being able to start HRT and being close to being able to not completely hide myself all the time.