Quote Originally Posted by Elanorin View Post
It was not a bad suggestion. Complicated, yes, but would it simply not be a formalisation of the bond that already brought them to stand in this room together?

Lily had barely heard the suggestion before she'd decided she was willing to.

"Would an oath between us help, Aelas?"

Her eyes passed towards Isaac and she nodded seriously. She'd already sworn an oath to the King, swearing two ran the risk of conflicting interests and impossible choices. And yet...

"That's true. I should disclose that I am already under formal oath to aid The Summer King in finding the ones behind the disappearance of his son. If that compromises me, I understand if you all consider it safer for me to refrain from swearing this oath with the rest of you. At least until that oath is resolved."
Aelas makes a choked gasping sound when you say that last bit and turns it into a cough as her hair flashes through the rainbow and she tries to get control of herself. "Oh boy, we are noooooot doing a good job. I...yeah, we should do a formal oath so I don't break my other oath. One that's like, like we promise to watch out for each other but we understand that we have different obligations and like, we'll do our best to work it out when that comes up instead of...like, I dunno what it's called, that thing Isaac said about masters and conflicts and stuff. Like, let's not do the stupid thing and make two super hardcore rigid promises that guarantee we end up doing a stupid sitcom scene where somebody has to put a piano on a roof with a crane. Instead, we can promise to support each other and talk about our problems and keep each other's trust and...like, try to work stuff out, y'know?"