Tempest Row - Cue Mortal Kombat Theme

Sorrow doesn't react immediately to the Sororitas drawing her weapon, but the moment she begins to say Sorry, her jump pack engages and she blasts out to the side. She leaves her guns, but her chainsword is drawn with the speed and grace one would expect from a veteran Sister. The blade sings as Sorrow revs it, and when the jump pack rockets her back towards Janissara it comes down in an arc to try and slice the boltgun's front off. Typical chainswords wouldn't be able to do it, but the way Sorrow's is...

It could slice right through heavy weaponry like a hot knife through butter.

If Janissara had a full debrief on Serephim Superior Beatrix Long's capabilities, she'll know she's primarily a melee fighter contrary to how most Serephim are, nor does she carry flamers. With her guns empty and on the table, the chainsword should be all that she has left. But if she has time in the fight to examine it, Janissara will find that it isn't a typical chainsword at all. It had a more elegant Drusus Pattern curve, but the frame and sides seemed to be made of silver and brass, and the hilt was shaped like a Saint. It could easily be a holy weapon, and possibly one that she would be required to retrieve if she killed or otherwise defeated Sorrow.