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Thread: Oriental Adventures (Restart)

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: Oriental Adventures (Restart)


    "What a fine meal to have in the wilderness. My father would take me out on excursions into the far provinces when I was but a boy. We would relive the tales of our ancesotors in exile in the desert for forty years. He would tell me stories from that time of exile. How we would prepare food, all chopped up into tiny piece with sesonings and then cooked on the coals of the fire with a shield. You would have to stir the food as it cooked." Chion will examine the food for poisons "Camping every night, moving constantly and going where the wind took you. A fine horse beneath you as if you could race the sunsets to their end. That is why I wear a topnot even today I must be ready to ride, I shouldn't have left my steed in town but I did not know we would be traveling this far." Chion will sit next to Nobutada so he can strangle him if the poison overtakes him too rapidly. He is smiling broadly as he remembers his past. Chion will turn and talk to Vrishma " I think it's skill."
    Last edited by Rapscallion; 2007-04-05 at 03:36 PM.