Tarvek didn't know, and he's generally the last word in sneaky. Combine that with the fact that his and Zola's information networks probably overlap heavily (them both being part of the Sturmvoraus/Mongfish Family Conspiracy Web (TM) and all) and it seems rather unlikely that she was aware.

Also, back then Lucrezia hadn't been summoned and Agatha was unheard of, so it would be a little weird for the Order to focus on the creation of more revenants, with nobody around capable of controlling them. And was Zola even working with a Lucrezia-loyalist faction?

Furthermore, the wasp that infects sparks was still in the prototype phase when it was used on the Baron. Tarvek claims that it's the only one in existence, so it would be a little strange if another one had been avaliable months or even years earlier (I really need to work on that timeline) to wasp Gil.

So in conclusion, Zola would only have wasped Gil if she'd known Lucrezia would return within his lifetime, had been a Lucrezia supporter in general, had known that he was really the Baron's son and had had access to an as yet non-existent strain of slaver wasp. It seems unlikely.