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Thread: Serious Plots 7: Why so srs?

  1. - Top - End - #697
    Ogre in the Playground
    Hattish Thing's Avatar

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    Default Re: Serious Plots 7: Why so srs?


    As Tyndael approaches with the canister, Arbrim reaches weakly for it. The bounty-hunter snaps off the jar's filthy lid, breathing in the disgusting stench which wafts forth. The undead raises the lid of foul black liquid to his mouth, slurping vigorously of the jar's nauseating contents. Once his maimed lips disturb the rancid, curdled fluid, a bubble previously trapped within the thick, churning substance contained within the jar rises to the top of the liquid and bursts, piercing the thin skin of congealing toxins that had been previously keeping the substance's dire smell in relative check.

    In one go, Arbrim downs the repugnant elixir, shivering as each and every gelatinized glop of revoltingly questionable fluid cascades down his throat.


    As his wounds begin to partially regenerate, stabilizing him, he reaches for Marshal.

    "Help me up, help me up, or make yer friend do it."

    "This gonna seal up soon."
    Last edited by Hattish Thing; 2018-09-03 at 12:44 AM.