[Autumnal Equinox - Naku & Ithuriel]


As soon as Naku shows her teeth, Ithuriel sort of instinctively takes a half-step back and lets out a quiet surprised "Uhh". A vampire, here? Well it sort of makes sense at a fey ball like this, goodness knows her own family moved in such circles often enough, but the wings? She winces internally at her own hesitancy as she's reminded of all those times people judged her on sight. It's crowded, she hadn't picked up on Naku's scent with so many people aroun, and fey trickery has a habit of masking such things. She tries to rally by moving a little closer and offers an apologetic smile, well aware of how her reaction could be interpreted.

Ithuriel stands at a very similar height to Naku - just slightly taller, but the sort of difference that'd require getting them to stand back-to-back to really notice, which is rather hard what with the wings and all. Her golden-blonde hair used to be quite long but she cut it back a bit for her Intersection duties - normally she'd keep it in a ponytail but she's had it done in quite a short bob for the ball, swept back from the forehead and tucked in carefully at the back at chin-height. There's more than a few similarities with Naku that Ithuriel suddenly feels awkwardly aware of - her skin is similarly pale, her fangs still present though much less prominent than in a typical vampire, and her deep purple irises seem rather complimentary to Naku's red. In one way or another, Ithuriel has always been spared from the physical effects of aging - to an inexperienced eye she probably doesn't look a day over twenty, her face unblemished and that youthful spark still there in her eyes. Look a little closer though and there's a certain weight around the eyes, an instinctive furrowing of the brow, signs of someone who has the weight of a lot more than twenty years on her mind. Ithuriel would be considered to be of Eastern European descent in terms of appearance, very much "classic" vampire territory. Her appearance is further complimented by a very literal divine radiance - a faint golden light that radiates around her accompanied by a sort of soothing, comforting effect from the presence of an angel. She has quite a stiff posture suggesting she's not particularly comfortable being here. There's no sign of weaponry upon her, perhaps a concealed holster on her somewhere? It'd be a little bit extreme but she is an Intersection officer and sometimes flashing a badge just doesn't cut it.

"Well, better to get lost together then, right?" She offers Naku her arm and-

Oh. Oh dear. That's very quick for a fey to take interest in them. Naku will likely notice an instant shift in behaviour from Ithuriel as she bows to the fey, putting on the sort of practiced false smile of someone experienced in dealing with noble courts. "My sincerest apologies for the late notice on who exactly would be attending from Intersection, there was some internal debate as to who would be most suitable to send. You may address me as Lady Von Holstav. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and I'd be delighted to join the good Lord and Lady Hier at their table tonight." She turns her head to look at Naku, taking another half-step closer and trying to very gently pull her into taking her arm, if she hasn't done so already. "She's quite right, we have only just met. Though with wings as stunning as hers, how could my eyes have been drawn anywhere else? Date is too strong a word, but I am very much hoping-" Her eyes seek Naku's out, locking gazes with her, "My dear lady, that you would let me have the honor of accompanying you for the evening." As she speaks, Ithuriel subtly alters her aura to add just the faintest sound to it - a sort of soft, quiet chorus, humming a gentle little accompaniment to the music playing in the background.



The bag contains...baked goods!


As promised by Affy, it's a selection of expertly baked delicious treats.

"I assure you, their flapjacks are simply exquisite. In fact, I insist that you try a bite of it before you leave. And if anyone else ever has any doubts about the quality of their goods, I'd encourage you to let them have a look at one of those brownies." Oh. Well, there's the catch, I guess.