[??? House]

Needs is rapidly moving into the territory of Visually Distressing, by the standards of any vaguely normal mind.
But then, most abnormal minds would probably agree as well, by the time hand-into-face insertions begin.

Mostly seems to be really ticking off the woman he has restrained to the wall though.
"You're looking in the wrong goddamn place, then, you godforsaken stain."
By the time Needs is facially molesting the man, she is bending and twisting in ways that should really be shifting (or breaking) or normal person's arms if they kept holding on, but then her aggressor isn't particularly normal.
So who knows.

The guy just screams.
Which precludes Needs learning something he probably didn't want: this guy has no idea what he's talking about. Not really, anyway.
He just met that woman over there a few months ago in a bar and after a few evenings of entirely unrelated things, she mentioned that she needed a hand with some life or death task. This has mostly amounted to letting her re-tailor some of his uniforms for herself and getting information on the various delivery routes through the city.
Also to shout "purple" if something magical and terrifying showed up, or "gray" if something more mundane but still unpleasant showed up.

The poor guy was mostly in it for the more interesting things she did with the outfits.