
My next door neighbors are building a fort for their teenage boys to hang out in. It's right in the far back corner of their yard, up against my fence, and so far consists of an elevated platform about 5-6 feet off the ground.

Which makes it perfect for looking over my 6-8 foot solid wooden fence and into my backyard swimming pool.

Did I mention I teach math to at least one of these boys at the local public high school? Because I totally do, and did not really want a teenage student witness for all of the swimming and beer drinking I get up to on evenings and weekends in my private, fenced backyard.

Also, their dog was up there today and I'm worried he'll jump into my yard from the platform the next time I have my mom's dog wandering around my yard. Possibly resulting in one or both of them ending up in the pool.


(I'm sure it is against city code to build so close to the fence line, but they already have a ton of other unpermitted structures in their yard up against various lot lines, and they've lived here longer than I have so I'm really unwilling to call the city about it since I'm relatively new to the neighborhood and my yard also has assorted pre-existing structures too close to lot lines.)

(This is more venting than anything I think there's anything to be done about. It's just part of living in the city rather than on acreage. It's still pretty irritating, though.)