Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
Well, this is it. Just a couple of nights until Fest proper.

Tonight's RoP is II, and my result: 1/3, Firion's BSB. You 'member this thing? It's bad, but then again, so is Firion. It's a Holy/Non BSB for a character who doesn't otherwise use Holy abilities. Cmd 1 is iterative, which sounded like a really neat idea until we learned how crappy it was. Cmd 2 turns his next attack into a noncharge, which would be great if he had any good attacks to speak of. It's just bad.

As for the LD, I'm skipping it. OSBs are not my cup of tea generally, and that's before you consider the dupes. Admittedly, with the announcement of 5-star Magicite, OSBs have a purpose - overflow damage knocks the bosses out of their "Savage Overdrive" state, apparently. (Which is a non-issue for me, since I haven't even cleared my last two 3-star Magicites.) But even so, I'm still not buying it. Saving my mythril for something more worthwhile. Like tomorrow night's USB LD.

Speaking of something else more worthwhile, hardworking Redditor Sandslice has once again compiled the Fest banners, with analysis. You can find the main thread here, and he has posted analyses of banners 1, 2, and 3 so far.

Short version? Banner 1 is great if you want Earth damage or are ready for Red XIII to be a competent BLM. Banner 2 has some real nice stuff, including Ulala's USB, and an all-new USB for OK that's honestly kind of sick. Banner 3 has some good stuff for Celes, and also some dated crap.

Happy pulls, all.
Right. Firion BSB got me through a lot of the old Torments, and was in fact my justification for Legend Diving him. His C2 makes him into a pseudo-ChainCharger, and the instant MBlink is amazing. I have better stuff, sure, but if I need MBlink? Firion and Sazh are on the job.