Desertum Plateau

Scarecrow detects magic! There is some magic on the women!

The women continue to move forward.

As the party is forewarned, nobody is subject to a surprise round when the women throw back their hoods, revealing nests of serpents for hair, and begin to look balefully at the party!

Doldor is the only one who actually knows what these ladies are (yes, medusas, they turn you to stone by looking at you) once they reveal themselves, but as soon as they do, he can shout to the party to avert their gazes. (And no, this time there is no "if you make the save once you're immune for 24 hours" clause.)

Initiative order is Eleanor, then all four medusas, then the rest of the party. Notice that the rough sand and rocks means the entire battlefield is difficult terrain.

Spoiler: Map
. = road
, = rough sand and rocks (difficult terrain)

C = Scarecrow
DD = Doldor on Marcus
H = Shian
E = Eleanor
A = Namia
UU = Numius (no longer 50' up because he's close enough to whisper to the rest of the party)
tt = Titan

p = medusa