A woman enters the MagCave for the Halloween party, and she looks pretty awesome, if you ask me. She's got long blonde hair in pigtails and a pink mushroomy dress with large lighter dots. There's a large bow on her chest, and on top of her head there's some kind of mushroom crown.

This woman thinks this costume is Halloween-appropriate because she thinks she's dressed like an international terrorist who supports an authoritarian royal-princess. Well, it makes sense when you're Kuriko.

Kuriko looks pretty happy and excited to be here. Being in the MagCave and rubbing shoulders with all these major movers is a HUGE opportunity! Sure, she no longer needs this info for her thesis, but there's all the post-grad research papers she can be working on. A couple of her (potential) ideas include "MagTopia: How early Nexitizens determined future culture", "Integration of high-magic and low-magic worlds and how they influence the hodge-podge culture", and "Behavior of recently-assimilated groups and how the assimilating microculture affects the adoption of values".

She looks around, grabs a notebook, and quickly starts writing observations of the party.