
Faudre tests her balance as she stands from the bunk, quite uncovered by the blanket. "I thank you for treating my wounds." Her eyebrows knit together at the mention of a kiss. They're really set on that. "I do not require it, no. Any supplies you can spare will be welcome, however. I am separated from my tribe and have little."


"We can learn much from our ancestors, but it does not do to revere them, I feel. We must learn from and reflect on their mistakes as well as their triumphs," Keiko says. "There are those who speak of what you speak of, but I feel it isn't necessary to teach. With the right upbringing, one will already know to act with discipline and respect in their life. It hardly needs to be carved in stone, if you'll forgive my turn of phrase. And besides, our nation lies in land that is... not the most bountiful. If we do not work together, we surely will not survive."