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Thread: Rob's Epic Level Campaign Continues!

  1. - Top - End - #1474
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Rob's Epic Level Campaign Continues!

    "Enough! I tried to avoid bruising these conspicuously large egos. I don't care to dive into caves with two giants at my side, especially ones I've met only yesterday. This is a matter which requires subtlety and insights which this species lacks.

    Youre better served using them here in defense, where their girth and potence aids in pitched battle. I'll not travel with swashbuckling giant strangers. Besides, they won't fit on the Skylance, and I'll not slow its engines to their ungainly pace! "
    Last edited by Dr_Nimm; 2018-10-07 at 09:47 PM.
    Spoiler: Downtime projects

    -Fort Knox safe
    -Custom mundane armor/weapons for squires
    -Buy scrolls at Frost dale
    -Transcribe bought scrolls and Asmodeus scrolls.
    -Collaborate with Xavier on automaton crew design
    -Potions for Arcivus : Haste, Enhance ability, blur, fly(or whatever he wants). As many as downtime allows, up to about 3 or so max.
    -Potions for myself: Fog cloud (smoke bomb), zone of truth (truth serum), sleep (sleep grenade).
    -Change SMART cannon to hand held