Crashed Ship - Trio

The monster staggers forward when his back his hit by the shells and while the liquid nitrogen will rapidly bubble off of such a hot creature, the hit was painful and darkened a large swath of hide to an acceptable level. It means that he can't avoid the troublesome climber as well, but it also really angered him. He stomps hard, breathes in despite the woman clinging to his face and lets loose with a truly earth-shaking roar. Outside of confined spaces it would be enough to make people flinch and cause ears to ring. Inside the cargo hold however, the echoing roar almost has physical force to it, capable of knocking air from lungs, bursting ear drums if someone is particularly unlucky, and at the very least is deafening and dizzying.

It is also more than likely going to attract attention.

Crashed Ship - Two

The slime appears to think for a moment before shaking its head. Even as it shakes the head however, it stops, seeming to get an idea. It holds out its hand, causing a small loop of slime to form and then harden into an ear piece. It mimes putting it around her ear before tapping its head and mimicking speech with a hand.

But then a distant roar can be heard and it pauses, looking towards the rear of the ship. Whatever it was, the slime was now wary and gestures for Two to hurry.

Crashed Ship - Kendra

"Simply put, it is a swarm entity."
Angel Slayer says, opening the blast door to step into a corridor on the other side. "They picked it up off an asteroid. Just a handful at first with a single Core mind. Quite like a creature from my homeworld, to be honest. They seemed to want to sell it as exotic game but it got loose when it grew too many too quickly. Feeds off of flesh and metal both. I've no clue how large it is now, but if it is loose it is only a matter of time before this entire ship is consumed. Unless it has departed already of course. In which case I pity this place." He adds with a shrug.

"Also, should you plan to stab me in the back, I will give you one chance to do so. Impress me and you will be forgiven. Your decision of when and how." He says. He sounds quite used to such.

Crashed Ship - Rein

Thankfully the smaller door does close behind him, cutting off that echolocation noise and the smell of formic acid. The panel is indeed in that alien language and while there are a couple levers with a dozen positions each those are also marked with the same language. Both are currently in the top position however. The glass is both luke-warm and has static to the touch however, much like those fancy electric glow-balls that arc purple electricity to your hand when you touch them. There was almost certainly heat and current inside the dome, but it isn't likely too much all at once.

The cables look like they can be unscrewed from the top half of the chamber at least, so if he has enough brute force or at least something like a good pipe wrench, they can be undone. The question then becomes whether it is a good idea to do it while everything is active or not.

(It should also be noted that there are two other hatches exiting the entire room. One is in the ceiling and looks like a maintenance tunnel during Zero-G, and the other is a door similar to the one he'd come through leading to the other side of the ship.)