Spoken by the mummy, Hotepnamerta:

Each of the Honor Guard had strong personal reasons to join. It is not my place to tell you tales of the others, but my reason is my own to share.

I serve in in this place in order to repay a debt incurred in life. As empires fell and rose, I chose to remain hidden, waiting for the ten thousandth generation to signal that I have paid in full. While I wiled away the time, I learned many secrets and hidden truths beyond the traditional form power.

As I learned, I become aware of a threat to my hoped-for final fate. A threat so serious that I had to seek out allies and agents that can act where I cannot. It meant I had to come out of hiding.

The threat is simple. If the ten thousandth generation never comes, then I cannot pay my debt. The goal is simple: your kind must not die out. How to achieve that goal is the opposite of simple. I need information. I need agents that can detect and stop those threats from coming to pass.

That is why I joined the Honor Guard. That is why I have reached out to you. That is why I have reached out to others, and have sometimes aided them even though they would destroy me if they could.