Crashed Ship - Rein


The lever falls down and the energy in the air and chamber falls just as quickly. The primary lights dim, the ship's hum lessens, and it seems that the trick worked! But it also means that without the hum he'll hear scratching against the walls as if something is attempting to claws its way through all over the place. Whatever was following him seemed to be searching for other openings rather than just the sealed doorway.

Crashed Ship - Two

The suit of armor seems a bit confused by the offering but still takes it. It holds it up to the helm, as if looking at it before several thin slivers of slime push into the gift and try to hijack it. If it isn't trapped and the slime is capable of taking it over, it gives a small humming for a moment before "speaking".


It isn't so much as talking as forcing vibration to speak for it, like the inside of a speaker or set of headphones. And then of course, the power drains and the lights go mostly dim. The slime colony pauses then, coming to a decision. Must hurry away. Containment cells will fail with this. Prisoners loose.

Crashed Ship - Kendra

As the lights dim, Angel Slayer pauses at a door when the diminished power can't open it. with a growl he just digs his fingers in and shoves it open forcibly into the wall. "Power's shutting down. We need to move quickly now." He advises as he takes another turn. "On a big ship like this, Life Support shutting down means areas are going to fill up with fumes and others are going to become full of unbreathable air since nothing will circulate if it isn't open." He adds. Another turn later however and they find themselves at a long chamber filled with cryo chambers along the floor. "Eighth down on the right." He'll pass by other chambers, even though they're filled with people, and reaches one that holds a rather plain looking human woman. She's at the upper end of middle aged, pale, and has s long mop of red and brown hair.

She also wears a prisoner's jumpsuit.

Despite all of that, Angel Slayer will go about opening it up unless Kendra chooses to stop him.

Crashed Ship - Trio

The few lights in the cargo bay dim suddenly, accentuating the monster's glowing heat while making it more difficult for the trio to hunt and see other things. The monster could be troubled, but he's a bit distracted by the upstart crawling on his face. Obviously there was only one way to fix it. Whether she catches the spear or not, his rider might find herself in trouble as he bashes his head against the grated flooring on that side, followed by scraping it along. His fangs catch the steel grating and rips another gouge out of it, making the flooring that much more hazardous.