Spoiler: Kingdom Kingdom Contemporary
Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post
[Kingdom Kingdom Contemporary]

Xeni makes a phone call!

And he gets a prompt reply from a pleasant female voice.

"Intersection, what's the nature of your emergency?"

Straight to the point!

They already got several calls recently from this locations, but they all need to be handled. It takes a few minutes to get a team to the location, after all, and getting as much information as they can on the situation is important.

Didn't help that the previous calls were a bit vague and panicky.

Xeni rolls his eyes as the employee flee, very barely restraining some unflattering comments in an effort to be nice to the Intersection phone-tender.
"I'm inside the-...the heck is this place...Kingdom Kingdom Contemporary gallery? I've locked the building down to quarantine an eldritch mental contaminant of apocalyptic nature. The entity responsible for this is operating through paintings of its symbol being viewed by victims. Don't send anyone into this building that isn't prepared to deal with vision-born mental contamination and please don't shoot the guy in the robe with the mouse. That's me.
Also may be worth dispatching teams to as many of the city's galleries as possible, infected artists are spreading the contaminant."

Since the employee isn't going to help him very much, he decides to start running down the halls pulling down every painting he can find.
Current game plan: collect every piece of art in the building to a central location for screening and hopefully targeted destruction.


Edict would pretend to look impressed by the Professor's display, but he really can't care to pretend. Instead he just laces his fingers and awaits the end of the boasting.
"I'd warn against simply 'scrambling' curses to disable them. Destabilizing the energy would likely have other consequences."
Like explosions.
"But if you're willing to eat the backlash, we can try it your way. Worst that can happen is I'm destroyed anyway, I suppose."

The creature continues chattering away on the ground and he watches it a bit like someone else would be watching their particularly amusing cat.
"Keeping Page near us for the time being would be best, if you don't want her babbling about us to the police."