Domenico accompanied Ludo and Astoria down to the cellar where they had safeguarded the book. One very bored-looking Tilean was guarding the door; unlocking it, they saw that the box was still locked and undisturbed, the faint lines of Elsa's spell still just about visible on the packed earth floor.

Adelbert, meanwhile, found Grigore where he might have expected, in the old temple to Manann that Evatt had built beside the diverted stream. The Azrillite received him cordially, offering him food and ale after his journey. He seemed to have taken on a servant from the townspeople - an old man with a sour expression - and was keeping the place moderately clean, with a small shrine to Azriller now occupying one wall of the too-large structure.

You don't need to wait for me to make these interstitial posts RossN - if you want to find an NPC and you have no reason to believe they'll be hard to find, you can cut straight to talking to them.