Quote Originally Posted by Foeofthelance View Post
I think that's been the biggest problem with the season so far for me. Jodie Whitaker is a fantastic Doctor, they just haven't let her be her Doctor. There's been no real, big dramatic moment for her to put her imprint on the character, so the writers been relying entirely on pre-established characterization to carry her through and sometimes it doesn't ring right. The "no guns" moment in episode 2 worked much better than it did here because the characters were still in the middle of trying to figure out what was going on and letting Ryan run off to his CoD fantasy not only put him at risk, but the rest of the group. Here they pretty much already established they were going to kill the spiders anyway, but they still brought it up solely to let people say, "The Doctor doesn't like guns!" when instead they could have just left it at, "No thanks, we'd have no idea what to do with them anyway." It was a similar issue with the business man. He existed solely for the Doctor to have a jerk to argue with and to avoid blaming the scientist for the issue.

The characters are wonderful. I like the dynamic behind Graham and Ryan, though Yaz could use a few scenes to show off, whether as the group's muscle or investigator or something other than to balance the party. And again, there's no doubt that Jodie Whitaker is the Doctor. It's like the writers were given every lego in existence and can't figure out how to make anything more than four featureless walls and a flat roof.
Yes the No Guns rule only really fit for 10. It always seemed grafted onto other Doctors later on. When you're ok killing your opponent with explosives, but Guns are bad. Well you're a hypocrite. Guns are just smaller contained explosives.