Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post

The main sign that he's asleep is that the spirals have stopped spinning. He's out like a light, remnants of his story trailing off behind him.

Then there's a sudden wild, exuberant cheer.

Hundreds of mice, cats, pigs and billy-goats suddenly burst out of the undergrowth. They're stomping their hooves, braying and snorting, throwing whatever they can above their heads in celebration. Families of cats tearfully re-unite on the bridge and mice scamper up your legs and to your shoulders that they might crown you with a hastily repurposed birds nest, full of tinsel and candy-bar wrappers.

"Great hero!" cries a three-legged bear, tears openly running down his face. "You have saved us from the terrible troll that has kept our people apart for so many years! We will sing of your legendary deeds until the planet dies in fire! We shall hold a grand feast in your honour, and all the night shall be spent in dancing! Tell us, what is the name of our beloved champion?"
Aelas squirms about atop Butterfly, antsy to be going. She hadn't expected to be swarmed here, and she's absolutely delighted at the sudden rush of fluffy creatures, but she needs to get moving, she's supposed to find Isaac and anything might be happening.

"Um, I'm Aelas, uh, hi! Also, he's just asleep. It's magic, but it will wear off, he'll be awake after a good long nap. Maybe you can use this chance to run away though? I'd love to come back for a feast later, but I need to go find my friend right now, so I've really got to get going, okay?" She moves to get Butterfly going, though she won't force the horse to trample anything cute and fluffy.