"And where are your friends, wolfman?" Ludo asked, with far more bravado than he felt. "Seems to me that the last time you tried to fight the Iron Company, most of them died. You were there, weren't you? Until Rorik went down and you ran like a child."

He scanned the group, looking for Sanne, Arne, or Klammenberg. The crow's call drew his attention - something was up, Elsa wouldn't have instructed Morrslieb to call unless something was wrong. Which meant... he didn't actually know what it meant. "What's your plan here? Kill some women and children and go home? Murder some old men and steal some grain? Is that what you came here from Norsca for? Is that why your hillmen are following you?" He looked to the others behind Asgeir. "It's a better life in the captain's army. Join the winning side, and you get to eat the good food without having to kill someone's old granny to do it. We had a feast the night Savonne fell. I had as much lamb as I could eat. What were you eating that night?"