Quote Originally Posted by Ashiel View Post
Yeah I'm looking into some other Roll20 alternatives. I personally use MapTool and have been for years now. However there's some other alternatives I've been looking into, compiling a small list of Roll20 alternatives.

I used to play Magic the Gathering a bunch. Did pretty well in a few indie tournaments (won some of them too). Kinda fell out of it lately because I've had nobody to play with but my favorite way of playing is constructed w/ common + uncommon only. Generally produces very fun games that are fast paced and well balanced, and the whole deck will usually run $10 or less.

EDIT: I'm also a fan of Cards Against Humanity, and will try most anything.
I play Magic the Gathering. But I didn't get any feel from that game. I've heard of Cards of Humanity. What's the purpose of that game anyway?