It took a moment for Domenico and the other late arrivals from the bridge to cotton on to what was happening - by the time they had, the men who had gone with Elsa were already running past them towards the bridge, shouting "Il ariete!" as they went.

Soon enough, they returned, carrying the crudely-hewn sapling trunk between them. The gates of the fort were sturdy, and even with eight men wielding the ram they held firm against the first strike. Blow after blow crunched home against the seasoned timbers. Down at the foot of the mound, the townspeople were coming out of their homes to gawk at the source of the sound.

After what felt like far too many hits, the gates finally broke inwards, the bar that had held them splintered in two. Dropping the ram and drawing their swords, the Iron Company men rushed through - but no-one was waiting on the other side. The Norscans were not mounting a defence - most likely they were already inside the keep.