Quote Originally Posted by Schismatic View Post
Starlight's not that bad. Decent design, decent colour palette, has some legitimately funny lines, and when she annunces her presence atop the flight school she is chewing the scenery. Every second you pause that villainous exposition just dribbles 60s Batman villain cheese. Every second some over the top, menacing expression. Plus, you know ... one of the few villains that weren't just hit by deus ex harmony.
Can you give me a unicorn character who is worse? I'm being literal here, I can't think of any. Mind you Starlight's presence managed to get me to stop watching the show in Season 6, so maybe they came up with someone even worse later.

As a villain she had some major flaws in:

1. Being inexplicably powerful (still a problem)
2. Having a garbage motivation
3. Being yet another Twilight expy. If you count Trixie (some do, others don't), she was the fourth 'Twilight Unicorn'

Her villain finale was pretty much trash too. The entire first half of it is basically irrelevant, and the second half is Starlight explaining her complete trash fire of a back story.

Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
Nothing says she couldn't brainwash more people, or promote more to demon status. We just don't find out either way because Twilight stopped her with friendship. On that note, Equestria's defenses outside the Mane6 are really lacking.
Sure. But that's all an assumption. Maybe she had the potential to reach a national threat, but she never got close to that stage. And it's just as fair to say that there is nothing saying that she could brainwash more people or promote more to demon status.