Quote Originally Posted by Honest Tiefling View Post
I vaguely remember playing one of the Lands of Lore entries and killing orcs with shirts on accident. Maybe that was a different game.

I am however, interested in this Dark Messiah thingy. Can someone give me a run down on it?
Full name is 'Dark Messiah of Might and Magic', it came out in.... 2007? Ish?

It's set in the same world as Heroes of Might and Magic 5, and is actually a continuation of the story there, with the titular Dark Messiah being the offspring of Kha-Bhaleth. It was made by the same company that made Arx Fatalis.

Critical reception was a bit mixed, fans generally liked it, it has 92% positive on Steam.

It's a first-person action RPG using the Source engine, it is an RPG but there is very little RNG in the game and in fact almost zero actual reward for killing enemies so it is extremely hard to out-level encounters, as almost all equipment and upgrades are set and will not drop from enemies, which allows it to actually be pretty tightly balanced.