[Cathedral Of Adventure]

"Why don't you just turn back into yourself?" Septimus counters. "That thing can obviously make clothing. You're wearing some right now."

Yeah, Luna.

Come on.

Stop being so weird.

The alter is... well. Odd.

Maybe not in the more typically odd way, though. It's littered with bits of stuff. Things that might have been sacrifices. But not sacrifices of meat or wine. More like the piles of rubbish those goblins left behind when they were killed. But aside from that symbol that sort of matches the one on Tertia's dagger, it doesn't have any obvious marking son it.

And then?

A voice comes from around the corner.

"Hey... umm... are you guys alright?" comes the voice, sounding a bit hesitant and uncertain. "I mean, you're taking a really long time is all. Should I.. um... should I just wait over here? Or come to you guys and eat you all? I'm kind of new at this, sorry."

Oh, that's nice. The awful monster lurking around the corner is apologizing.