"Space heaters sound about right..." Zee reasons.

They must have some really great power generation to keep that sort of operation up and running.

Modular thorium reactors would probably do it. Small, low maintenance, dense power source. And lots of energy!

Unless they found some way to make fusion small, that would do it too. Or maybe something even more exotic.

"It's always kind of weird hearing about different Earths," Zee muses. "Like, you hear someone talking about something that sounds familiar, but as soon as you get to talking you find out that the planet is ruled by lizard aliens from the dark side of the moon or whatever. I'm still amazed that the Nexus ever manages to have several people from the same version of the same world. I guess that's easier when it's the sort of place you can just walk from."

It makes Zee wonder, though.

If she could just walk back to her home world, would she want to?

She had friends in the country she had immigrated to. She had kept in contact with a few of her friends back in Nineveh. But... it's been a decade, hasn't it? More or less? Everyone would assume that she's well and truly dead. And she is, sort of. Isn't she? The mortal body doesn't exactly survive to process of being recast from terrestrial to empyrean. It could be neat, though, to visit. Maybe just once?

"Did you leave anyone behind where you came from? People you actually liked?"