[Zee's Suite in Trog's]

Karaglen is also surprised by this result.
She didn't know she could make things! Pretty things!

Does it stick around if she stops reaching for the power? If it doesn't, there's going to be an interesting hobby of sculpturing in her very near future.
Otherwise, still super pretty, but probably less cluttery.

Though...most of that experimentation is going to have to wait.
The mouse-people seem to have started worshiping her.

For someone who was a cleric herself, this is actually pretty darn alarming. While very flattering, Kara is pretty uncomfortable with it!
If the flower didn't disappear when she stopped trying, she'll cradle that in one hand while her other hand waves in a general "stoppit" motion towards the supplicants. Otherwise the other hand will make a "get up motion".
"Oh no! Please stop? I'm not...no! Stooooop!"

Her expression is more like a kid who got caught doing something wrong, rather than someone who just found out they're considered divinity.
Right down to the uncomfortable back and forth foot prancing.