"I saw this other dragon with really shiny scalies, so I thought I'd hunterise it and be friendy. But it broked into all these little pieces of warm ice and wood and I can't see it anywheres. Just me an' yous. Oh! Hi! I's Zosteranithaximine, Who's you?" Zoster pounced at his reflection, not realising it was his reflection. He's not encountered glass or a mirror before. He wags his tail idly, thumping it against the table and spilling a dwarf's flagon of elf-wine.

The dwarfs find Zoster's awkward speech patterns hilarious, and fall about laughing, and their opinions of Navvy's old-fashioned diction is much the same. One of the elves reaches down to try and pat Navvy's head, whilst another throws a punch at his neighbour for having pointier ears.