[Zee's Suite in Trog's]

Karaglen, as most little children do when they present something they've made to an approving parent, comes as close to literally glowing as it non-magically possible with her mom's praise of the flower.
Particularly since there's a pretty clear suggestion to make even more and that she be able to make even prettier things. It's like a kid finding out they can make their own toys, whenever they want.

There are a couple questions in here, that she can parse from the broader strokes of the given explanation.
"So...making more things is Good and helping people out is extra Good?"
She's not entirely sure how helping people who needed help can be more Good, but it seems to be the implication here.
And then there was another part of the implication here...
"Can I make mouse-people like you can?"

At some point during this, Kara briefly detaching from her endless hug so that she can half-clamber, half-flap her way up towards the shoulders of her maternal perch.

There she's going to try to find a way to get this flower put in Mom's hair!
"And a pretty flower for a pretty mom!"