Definitely needs more work, but at the same time I am excited about where this is going. I have a couple of particular points:

On Improvements: Any stat improvements? I believe Dungeon World does increases to base every level and only some of those result in a change in modifier. Apocalypse World does stat bonuses instead of new moves. It also doesn't standardise anything it wants to change, so each playbook has a unique, but often quite similar, list of upgrades. For example The Chopper doesn't get more chopper moves, because it starts with both of them (same with The Hardholder). Do you think you will do anything like that?

On #N: Do you have any thoughts one what sorts of moves you want to go here? I see a couple of [Short Note] slots, but what about the others? Any additional thoughts? I would love to bounce ideas around but I don't have time right now. Am working on the summoning rules for my system.

Other than that you missed a couple of archetypes I would of hit, but I will save that for my Dungeon World variant.